IMG_4148 SO, here are the last 2 babes we had…just updating a blog I don’t really keep up with anymore…but someday :-)….

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Happy Birthday Joelie Poley!

Posted: May 27, 2012 in Family

birthday boy making birthday cupcakes in his birthday suit 😉

Silly boy

Play ball!

Pin the belly button on the mono…

Siblings, cousins and friends….”helping” him unwrap the gifts most of the time as he was too slow for them 🙂

Joel, Happy 3rd Birthday!  You are definitely getting an attitude these days, but still have your gentle loving ways as well…snuggling, randomly saying “I like you” or “I love you” and giving me a shoulder pat or hug, singing soft or loud at bedtime, meal times or anytime…always singing and rockin’ out on your tummy “guitar” that is always there ;-), taking good care to drink plenty of water for that baby you have inside your tummy so you think…it is never “my tummy hurts”, but rather, “My baby hurts mommy”.  You are VERY talkative and active with sword play to water play to gun play to food play at meals…but also love to sit and listen to books for…well, as long as I or your brother or sister will read them to you.   We love you Joel Jediah Steven!!  Praying that you will Love God with all your heart!

Making Empanadas!

Posted: May 27, 2012 in Recipes

Thanks to a Bolivian friend Julia for sending me this recipe:-)  We had a great time making them as a family and they were delicious!

Meiers’ April News …

Posted: April 19, 2012 in Uncategorized

Dear Friends,                                                          4-17-12

First of all Kari and I would just like to say thank you for your continued care by your prayers and concern.  We appreciate the unity, positive criticism, and the support shown by God’s people in our lives.

At home, we are looking forward to our baby girl who is to be delivered July 6th!  I am continually challenged towards loving my wife as Christ loved the church, and Kari and I continue encouraging our children to build a relationship with Christ.  I enjoy hearing honest prayers from almost three year old Joel, who in many ways imitates what he hears giving me an extra incentive to be genuine and not take my relationship with God lightly.

Just after I got back from Bolivia, I heard some bad news which wouldn’t allow the Camiri Christian School to keep the needed salary changes we made last month.  Then, a few days later, I received good news that even though the national authorities would like to impose their way, the local authorities are supporting us!  It looks like we have found favor in their eyes, at least for now.

We continue to invest ourselves in working with Comunidad Cristiana, a Spanish speaking congregation here in Gresham, Oregon.  A few weeks ago we had the congregation get together into small  groups to share their purpose/vision for the church.  There were a lot of good ideas!  Last week as I met with one of the couples in a neighborhood we are reaching out to skipped the general light introductions and dove right into sharing the inner struggles of their marriage.  Before I left, it was encouraging to see constructive decisions being made towards being better connected in their relationship. God is gracious!

What is our plan?
As we make decisions we are very grateful for having good guidance from supportive churches.  Since Kari and I are not aiming on returning to Bolivia in the near future, we must reconsider our status as missionaries through CMML which has a policy of supporting foreign missions.  In order for us to be purposeful in the work while continuing to meet family needs, we are considering transferring from CMML missions to a more local Hispanic ministry organization for support.  The other option is finding part time work (w/ health insurance hopefully)  that will allow me to continue to work with Comunidad as a part time pastor. We are praying for wisdom over the next few months as we try to figure this out.

Please pray:

1.    For wisdom regarding our plans.

2.    For Kari and I as we meet weekly with a pre-marital couple at Communidad Cristiana.

3.    For the Camiri Christian School to be protected from attacks to this fruitful ministry and for wisdom and provision in our level of involvement this year.

4.    For protection, spiritual growth, and good communication in our marriage/family.

In Christ,

Gabe for Kari and the family!

John 15:1-3 via Joel

Posted: February 6, 2012 in Videos

I am having my girls in Sunday school memorize John 15:1-17.  Since Selah is in that class we decided to memorize it as a family.  Joel (2.9) has so far picked up 3 verses, but is usually found running around the house during memory time.  So, pretty amazing what he picks up 🙂


Going, going….GONE!

Posted: February 5, 2012 in Family

DIAPERS that is!!!!  …. Until the next comes in July (6th to be exact…my dad’s birthday:)  BUT, until then I am very grateful to be done with the diapers for a time…and the expense that comes with them!!!

Joel decided he wanted to go pee in the potty like his brother and sisters…then finally #2 as well..yeah!!!  He still has some accidents, but thanks to m and m’s and dum dums he is doing great 🙂 !

A Joel funny:

MOM: Joel you are going to be 3 soon!  Joel: Soon I will be a MONKEY! (with great expression)!!  I’m going to be an “oo oo oo ah ah”!

Gabe leaves with Kaleb for Bolivia in about 8 days…a bit nerve racking for me, but I’m sure he will do well.   I am sending him with some schoolwork, but I think mostly he will be beefing up on his Spanish. 🙂  They will be traveling back and forth from Santa Cruz to Camiri a bit because of  a camp Gabe is speaking at in Santa Cruz.

Quick update…

Posted: January 29, 2012 in Prayer letters

Spanish Church: Some encouraging news…
* We were privileged to baptize 3 young ladies last week at the hispanic church!
* I was able to  start a new Bible study at a Mobile home park.  The second week I was praying to connect with other people, not just the host couple.  A couple just happened to show up, then the phone rang and we were invited to dinner across the street and met another family.
* A new hispanic couple came this Sunday to church.  They thought it was a catholic mass, but heard the Gospel instead!
Please pray:
* Grace Community has asked me to be the pastor of the Hispanic church which will now be a ministry of Grace that meets at their church on Sunday evenings.  Pray for wisdom as we are merging with them and what that will mean for leaving to Bolivia as often as I have been.
* I will be leaving in a few weeks (Feb 14th) to Bolivia once again, possibly with Kaleb this time as we had a free ticket. I will be speaking at a camp, organizing an alumni fundraiser, and helping make decisions for the start of the school year.
Thank you for your encouragement and prayers!
Gabe, Kari and kids

Snow and Christmas pics…

Posted: January 17, 2012 in Uncategorized

Snow!  Dissecting owl pellets with cousins.  Joel typing to Mima and Papa.  Christmastime with family…Mima reading the Candy cane story to the grandkids…and great grandpa too :-).

Drummer Boy plus pics from Oct-Dec :)

Posted: December 21, 2011 in Family

Go  HERE to listen to us attempting to sing/play “Drummer Boy” this Christmas at church. 🙂

Otherwise here are some pics I found that would be fun to share.  An early Christmas with Jen and Adrian.  Check out Selah’s shocked face when she sees Daddy’s HUGE gun from his bro.  Essie said, “I am NOT playing guns with you anymore!!”   Dressing up on Harvest Day.  A mock war during the George Washington era…complete with authentic hats we made:)  Cookie making to deliver to neighbors.  Playing Dr.  –  Thanksgiving …


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Posted: November 21, 2011 in Uncategorized

Saying goodnight normally consists of various other conversations …either brought up to stall the sleeping process or sincere questions.  Tonight was the latter of the two.

With tears forming in his eyes, Kaleb tells me, “Mommy, I don’t think I believe ENOUGH to be saved.”

That made me think of an e-mail Gabe sent me when we were dating long distance from Oregon to Kansas.  Gabe wrote, “Do you think  belief can be made into a work?”.  I am not sure why I remember that one e-mail so well except for the fact that maybe  it was a good question.   From the struggles I have been through to believe in just the right way with just  ENOUGH feeling and constant wondering I would say that belief can be turned into a “Work”.  I think I need to recognize that more and be assured by one of my favorite verses, John 6:29 “The work of God is this: to believe in the One He has sent.”

After talking awhile and still Kaleb mentioning other “ENOUGHS” like, “I don’t think I am thankful ENOUGH for what Jesus did for me.”  I finally said something that really helped me as well (must have been the Holy Spirit!), “Kaleb, Jesus DIED for all of our “not enoughs.  He is ENOUGH.  Only He CAN be ENOUGH.”

It amazes me when God uses kid conversations to minister to me as I am supposedly ministering to them.